lunes, 26 de junio de 2017


  • Any kind of language requires aspects that the speaker must dominate before interact in a second language. English is not the exception because it has skills such as speaking, listening, writing and reading. Speaking and listening are part of the communicative skills, and the practice of this is only by verbal interaction. But writing and reading are reciprocal skills that the user also needs to improve the level of the language. When a speaker interacts in the second language, is difficult not to think in the mother language and try to translate it, but communicative skills are not grammatically rigorous; sometimes it doesn’t depend on the grammar level, but the understanding of the message.

  • The use of mental maps as educational strategies allow the understanding and organization of concepts that are part of the unit, complemented with the realization of trials that allow us to give a point of view about the thematic And therefore leads us to the appropriation of the concepts to schematize them mentally and achieve meaningful learning.

  • Nowadays teachers should design and create active classes due to translation requires a motivated class, besides translation is a real-life and increasingly necessary in a global environment. Many learners living in either their own countries or a new one need to translate language on a daily basis, both informally and formally. Stuff like these make translation essential learning any another language.

  • The work done in task 5, we had the opportunity to interact with the classmates again, doing some readings of some authors exposed by the teacher, in which from their thoughts we elaborated some essays on the understanding of such applications, also We developed mental maps establishing differences between the concepts given and as a last step upload this information to a blog of the course.

sábado, 24 de junio de 2017

Title page

Unit 2: Collaborative activity 2


Stephanie Caballero Martínez – Cod.: 1002499432 
Liliana Saray Calderón – Cod.: 1067818917 
Daniel Cogollo Gonzáles – Cod.: 1073988656 
Eniana Andrea Guerra

Group: 2

Tutor: Carlos Alberto Pelayo





Welcome to our blog

viernes, 23 de junio de 2017

Edina's Mind Map - Task 3

Daniel's Mind map - Task 3

Stephanie's Mind map - Task 3

Liliana's Mind Map

Stephanie Caballero's Essay - Task 2

Translation as a tool to improve EFL learners’ skills

“Leonardi (2010), translation enhances critical reading skills, improves grammatical awareness and language proficiency, facilitates vocabulary acquisition, and develops intercultural competence”.

In today’s world turns indispensable learn a second language, likely because we live in a globalized society and when you decide to acquire another language this one will help you or give you a greater global understanding of the world. Consequently, translation plays a key role an increasingly advanced world. For all these reasons, learners of a foreign language are utterly frustrated to master all the skills that any language has (writing, reading, speaking and listening) due to the fact they know that a new language opens up a world of new opportunities. Which is tricky, however, nobody said it was easy.

As mentioned above, translation can be used as a tool to enhance English as a Foreign Language learners’ skills if and when teachers and students know how to apply and use it in the process of teaching and learning. It is not a secret that translation brings many benefits to students in the classroom but at the same time translation does not help learners develop their communication skills, perhaps because translation is a difficult skill which must be done well in order to be productive and rewarding. that is why, learners and teachers not only have to take into account meaning but also a range of other issues, including form, register, style, and idiom. This is not easy, but too many translation activities depend on it being done well.

To sum up, nowadays teachers should design and create active classes due to translation requires a motivated class, besides translation is a real-life and increasingly necessary in a global environment. Many learners living in either their own countries or a new one need to translate language on a daily basis, both informally and formally. Stuff like these make translation essential learning any another language.

By: Stephanie Caballero M.

Liliana Calderon's Essay - Task 2

The pedagogical strategies for effectively fulfilling the task of teaching a foreign language have been diverse. The techniques of translation have been throughout the teaching of foreign languages ​​a much mentioned theme, for this reason, the importance of choosing good pedagogical strategies that contribute to the good learning of the foreign languages.

Although there are few documented sources that point to translation as an aid to teaching and learning a language other than the mother tongue, some authors comment that the use of these translation strategies should not be used in the formative processes since they consider they can return to the dependent learner And thus end up with important grammatical schemes in the foreign language; In this regard, author Duff (1989) states that it has been shown that if they are properly designed, translation activities can be used to improve the four skills that correspond to listening, speaking, reading and writing. Develop precision, clarity and flexibility in students who learn it; and also that the bi-directionality of language competences must be taken into account simultaneously, referring to the capacity to be developed to communicate from and within the language system.

It is important, from this point of view, to recognize the importance of translation in the teaching - learning processes of a foreign language, using it as a pedagogical strategy that contributes to the improvement and cognitive development of students and improves their capacities in an integral way, Advancing in this way in the learning of the language.

By: Liliana Saray Calderón

Danie Cogollo's Essay - Task 2

Kavaliauskienė G. (2009) says that translation does not help students to develop communication skills. Translation activities may be suitable for students who prefer analytical or verbal-linguistic learning strategies.

Any kind of language requires aspects that the speaker must dominate before interact in a second language. English is not the exception because it has skills such as speaking, listening, writing and reading. Speaking and listening are part of the communicative skills, and the practice of this is only by verbal interaction. But writing and reading are reciprocal skills that the user also needs to improve the level of the language. When a speaker interacts in the second language, is difficult not to think in the mother language and try to translate it, but communicative skills are not grammatically rigorous; sometimes it doesn’t depend on the grammar level, but the understanding of the message.

Translate word by word in a speaking and listening dialogue could become spendable, because there is no time to understand all the words, but the speaker can make a relationship between the context and the main words of the conversation to understand the meaning of the message. Also the translation in the mother lingua doesn’t allow the speaker think in the second language and get the message in the second language.

Grammar is a dispensable for a correct communication in books and literacy works. It can increases the vocabulary agility; but no the verbal agility. So, it doesn’t enrich the communicative competence, because when reading or translate, the user doesn’t use the listening competences, modulation, voice variation and intonation of the words of other people.

Communicative competences are the day by day interaction with people. Global world becomes more communicative daily, and the translation has its part on the letters, texts and the rigorous thought.

By: Daniel Enrique Cogollo

Ediana Guerra's Essay - Task 2

Atkinson (1987) 

In understanding the meaning of a text in a language, a written text, a text with equivalent meaning, in another language, a translated text. The result of this activity is the translated text, also called translation. When the translation is performed orally is known as interpretation, when the author refers to suggesting that activities involving some translation are promised divination strategies among students, here the role of the teacher is very important because it must be a person Strategic to develop skills in translation. Well the skills and competencies with which a translator must contact beyond knowing a language. The translator does not know the language but dominates it to the point that he does his, these translated texts must be equal of clear and precise that the originals of the documents. The translator must have the ability to structure the content and find the correct text for each occasion.

On the other hand, the translator must offer a translation adapted to each context, everything that is acquired in the practice of the same, improving the technique so that these translations are not inappropriate.

By: Ediana Andrea Guerra